233 research outputs found


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    Fault Diagnosis in real systems usually involves human expert’s shallow knowledge (as pattern causes-effects) but also deep knowledge (as structural / functional modularization and models on behavior). The paper proposes a unified approach on diagnosis by abduction based on plausibility and relevance criteria multiple applied, in a connectionist implementation. Then, it focuses elicitation of deep knowledge on target conductive flow systems – most encountered in industry and not only, in the aim of fault diagnosis. Finally, the paper gives hints on design and building of diagnosis system by abduction, embedding deep and shallow knowledge (according to case) and performing hierarchical fault isolation, along with a case study on a hydraulic installation in a rolling mill plant.shallow knowledge, diagnosis, flow systems

    Building interpretable fuzzy models for high dimensional data analysis in cancer diagnosis

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    Background: Analysing gene expression data from microarray technologies is a very important task in biology and medicine, and particularly in cancer diagnosis. Different from most other popular methods in high dimensional bio-medical data analysis, such as microarray gene expression or proteomics mass spectroscopy data analysis, fuzzy rule-based models can not only provide good classification results, but also easily be explained and interpreted in human understandable terms, by using fuzzy rules. However, the advantages offered by fuzzy-based techniques in microarray data analysis have not yet been fully explored in the literature. Although some recently developed fuzzy-based modeling approaches can provide satisfactory classification results, the rule bases generated by most of the reported fuzzy models for gene expression data are still too large to be easily comprehensible. Results: In this paper, we develop some Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms based Interpretable Fuzzy (MOEAIF) methods for analysing high dimensional bio-medical data sets, such as microarray gene expression data and proteomics mass spectroscopy data. We mainly focus on evaluating our proposed models on microarray gene expression cancer data sets, i.e., the lung cancer data set and the colon cancer data set, but we extend our investigations to other type of cancer data set, such as the ovarian cancer data set. The experimental studies have shown that relatively simple and small fuzzy rule bases, with satisfactory classification performance, can be successfully obtained for challenging microarray gene expression datasets. Conclusions: We believe that fuzzy-based techniques, and in particular the methods proposed in this paper, can be very useful tools in dealing with high dimensional cancer data. We also argue that the potential of applying fuzzy-based techniques to microarray data analysis need to be further explored. </p

    Switching Trackers for Effective Sensor Fusion in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

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    Modern cars utilise Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in several ways. In ADAS, the use of multiple sensors to gauge the environment surrounding the ego-vehicle offers numerous advantages, as fusing information from more than one sensor helps to provide highly reliable and error-free data. The fused data is typically then fed to a tracker algorithm, which helps to reduce noise and compensate for situations when received sensor data is temporarily absent or spurious, or to counter the offhand false positives and negatives. The performances of these constituent algorithms vary vastly under different scenarios. In this paper, we focus on the variation in the performance of tracker algorithms in sensor fusion due to the alteration in external conditions in different scenarios, and on the methods for countering that variation. We introduce a sensor fusion architecture, where the tracking algorithm is spontaneously switched to achieve the utmost performance under all scenarios. By employing a Real-time Traffic Density Estimation (RTDE) technique, we may understand whether the ego-vehicle is currently in dense or sparse traffic conditions. A highly dense traffic (or congested traffic) condition would mean that external circumstances are non-linear; similarly, sparse traffic conditions would mean that the probability of linear external conditions would be higher. We also employ a Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) algorithm, which is able to monitor for construction zones, junctions, schools, and pedestrian crossings, thereby identifying areas which have a high probability of spontaneous, on-road occurrences. Based on the results received from the RTDE and TSR algorithms, we construct a logic which switches the tracker of the fusion architecture between an Extended Kalman Filter (for linear external scenarios) and an Unscented Kalman Filter (for non-linear scenarios). This ensures that the fusion model always uses the tracker that is best suited for its current needs, thereby yielding consistent accuracy across multiple external scenarios, compared to the fusion models that employ a fixed single tracker

    Editorial Foreword to the Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence for Hyper- and Multi-spectral Remote Sensing Image Processing

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    In the current age of widespread application of artificial intelligence (AI) across various facets of life, satellite remote sensing is no outlier. Thanks to the ongoing enhancements in the spatial and temporal resolutions of satellite images, they are emerging as invaluable assets in areas such as land-use analysis, meteorology, change detection, and beyond. Accurate analysis and classification at various levels of hyperspectral images (HSIs) and multispectral remote sensing images (RSIs) are essential for extracting valuable insights from these datasets